Thursday, 9 December 2010

Yves Saint Laurent holds Open Casting Session for New Advert Campaign

If you fancy yourself as the next Kate Moss (or even Karlie Kloss) then you’re in luck, as fashion giant Yves Saint Laurent is opening the opportunity flood gates for many a young rising starlet.
Posted on French website,, the label advertised their desire to find 130 tall, elegant and beautiful people through numerous open casting sessions this week- and the end prize....the chance to appear as an extra in their brand new ad campaign currently scheduled to shoot next week- now you can’t get much better than that!
And to add a little extra icing to the cake, YSL will be paying the lucky individuals 150 euros for their efforts- I’m rather tempted to apply, but somehow feel their judging standards are going to be pretty high!
Oh well, it’s worth trying something once, eh?

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